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Lawn Prep For Aeration & Seeding


Before an aeration and seeding, the lawn should have a lawn prep done beforehand to receive the most optimal results of this very beneficial service. It can help make the aeration and seeding process run smoother and can also optimize the results of your lawn at the same time.

With Lawn Buddies, our lawn prep helps not only prepare your lawn but eliminates any bad weeds and it will speed up the process of eliminating them. This process helps give a better chance of germination on the property. A great benefit to lawn prep is it can be applied the same day as your aeration and seeding and it won’t have any negative effects on the new seed. What’s great is you can do a lawn prep the same day as your aeration and seeding. Part of the lawn prep is laying down certain products and herbicides put together that coats the whole lawn to eliminate broadleaf weeds, crabgrass, nutsedge and helps take care about 90% of the bad things in your lawn. The plus is it doesn’t do damage to your lawn or the seeds being put down and actually helps the seed germinate at a higher rate.

Preparing for your lawn prep: The lawn prep is usually done about 3 to 4 weeks before your aeration and seeding. It is better to have the lawn longer at the time of this treatment so all the weeds are showing and are applied on correctly. After this treatment is done, it takes about 4 to 6 hours to dry so please keep your kids, yourselves and any pets off the lawn.After about a week, the weeds will turn a white color almost looking like snow on your lawn. After the 3 to 4 weeks is over, the lawn should be mowed the shortest it can go without damaging it before the aeration and seeding is completed. It is also advised that the lawn is not to be mowed for at least 4 weeks after the seeding is done.

The lawn prep is recommended for the health of your lawn if your lawn has crabgrass, nutsedge and other weeds and if you plan on aerating and seeding your lawn as it can help increase the chances of germination. If you are interested in lawn prep please contact Lawn Buddies at 732-475-5500 and our team will be able to assist you.

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