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Grubs: Bound Brook, NJ


Grubs are the larvae of beetles, and they can cause significant damage to lawns in Bound Brook, NJ. These pests feed on the roots of grass, causing brown, dead patches to appear on your lawn. They can also attract animals such as skunks and raccoons, who will dig up your lawn in search of a tasty grub meal.

Grubs are most active during the summer and fall months, and they are usually found just below the surface of the soil. They are plump, white, and C-shaped, with brown heads and six legs. If you suspect that you have a grub infestation, you can check for their presence by pulling back the corners of brown patches on your lawn. If the grass pulls up easily, revealing grubs underneath, then you have a grub problem.

The most common types of grubs in Bound Brook, NJ are the Japanese beetle, the European chafer, and the Asiatic garden beetle. Japanese beetles are the most destructive and widespread, causing the most damage to lawns.

Preventing grub infestations is the best way to protect your lawn. One way to do this is to use a preventative grub control product, which can be applied to your lawn in the early summer before grubs hatch. These products work by killing the grubs before they can do damage to your lawn.

Another way to prevent grubs is to maintain a healthy lawn. A healthy lawn is less susceptible to grub damage because the grass is more resilient and can better tolerate the damage caused by grubs. This can be achieved by mowing your lawn at the proper height, fertilizing it correctly, and watering it deeply and infrequently.

If you already have a grub infestation, it’s important to take action as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more damage the grubs will cause, and the harder it will be to control them. There are several treatment options available, including applying a grub control product, using beneficial nematodes, or manually removing the grubs.
In conclusion, grubs can cause significant damage to lawns in Bound Brook, NJ. By being aware of the signs of a grub infestation, taking preventative measures, and taking action as soon as possible, you can protect your lawn from these destructive pests.

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