Ground ivy, also known as “gill-over-the-ground” and “creeping Charlie”, is an invasive weed type that occurs throughout the U.S. It flowers from April to June and commonly grows in moist, rich soil, but does not hold up well if the soil is very acidic. Ground ivy is shade tolerant so it grows well under trees, shrubs, and hedges and spreads rapidly by creeping (growing along the ground) stems; hence the name “creeping Charlie”. The stems of this weed are four-sided, the leaves are round with scalloped edges and there are tiny little bluish-purple flowers that grow in axillary clusters. This plant is in the mint family and has a strong minty odor when mowed over or destroyed.
It is very difficult to control ground ivy, being that it is very aggressive and can out-compete grass species by shading the grass. Ground ivy is perennial (it will regrow every spring rather than only growing for one season and dying off), but by maintaining a healthy lawn, you can get rid of many turf weeds! The usual fertilizer treatments, proper mowing and irrigation, and aerating and seeding every year will prevent the growth of new weeds. You can effectively remove ground ivy by hand as the roots are shallow enough to pull right out, but it is important to seed over the areas that you pulled to avoid having bare spots. There are several herbicides recommended for this invasive weed and may be applied in the spring or fall, but it is best to do it in the fall. When treating ground ivy, the lawn should not be mowed for 2-3 days before and after the treatment and should be done when there is no rainfall expected within 24 hours. For long term control, more than one application may be necessary.
Lawn Buddies offers a 7 step lawn fertilizer package and an aeration and seeding service that can tackle any weeds and prevent them from growing in your lawn! Contact our office for any questions on what might be the best first step to a weed free lawn.