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Spotted Lattern Flies in Manalapan, NJ

spotted Lantern Fly

Spotted lantern flies, also known as Lycorma delicatula, are an invasive species that have been causing problems in Manalapan, NJ and surrounding areas. These insects are native to China, India, and Vietnam, but have recently been spotted in Pennsylvania and have now made their way to New Jersey.

These insects are known for their voracious appetite and ability to quickly decimate a wide variety of plants. They feed on the sap of trees and shrubs, which can cause wilting, leaf curling, and even death. Some of the plants that are most susceptible to damage include apple trees, grapevines, and hardwood trees.

One of the most distinctive features of the spotted lantern fly is its bright red and black coloration. Adults are about 1 inch long and have a red body with black spots, while the nymphs are black with white spots. They are most active during the summer and fall months.

The best way to control spotted lantern flies is to prevent them from laying eggs in the first place. One effective method is to wrap tree trunks with sticky bands, which will trap the insects as they climb up the tree. Another option is to use an insecticide, but it’s important to use it with care and follow all the instructions.

It’s also important to report any sightings of spotted lantern flies to local authorities. The early detection and rapid response is crucial to prevent the establishment and spread of this invasive species.

It’s important to take action as soon as you notice the presence of spotted lantern flies in your area, as they can cause significant damage to both ornamental and agricultural plants. With a little bit of effort, however, you can help protect your garden and the wider community from the threat of these invasive insects.

Remember to always check with a local nursery or authority to confirm the best practices and regulations regarding the management of invasive species in your area.

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